Ride Reports

Saturday 3rd July 2021

B1 ride report - Simon Thompson
Four riders assembled in the rain; Trev, Jane, Martin and me. We also gathered up a couple of wAifs and strAys who wanted to play out in the rain, namely Mick and Ian. It rained a lot. The route took us towards Scorton then up Long Lane and past Phil’s gaff. Onwards through Chipping, past the Boar Park and down to Doeford bridge. Here we said farewell to Martin who cut and ran back over the Trough. Hall Hill was skipped in favour of making up ground. Jeffrey steep was replaced with Jeff less steep. Down to Ribchester, onto Whalley. We looked at the Nab,then went to the caf. £8 for a latte and a fishfinger sandwich. £8. Take away only but it stopped raining for us which was welcome. As we set off it started persisting it down again. My wahoo forgot the route. I missed a left turn. We spent too long on an A road. Ian and Mick got us back on route, thanks chaps. We looked at Birdy Brow and went the other way, up Chaigley. A little shit of a climb it turns out, not been up it before. Jane got a bit of brake rub up the hill but this didn’t stop her pushing a gear which made my knees sore. She did this a lot actually. She Jane. She strong! It stopped raining, hurrah! We got a push on through Chipping and up towards Beacon Fell. The roads dried up so we put some power down. A spirited finish salvaged a respectable average which I hope stands up to B1 scrutinisers. My ride data shows 63 miles, 4900ft and 15.3 mph average. My ride reflection is of a tough ride in mostly poor conditions with a doggedly determined crew. Thanks for the company, I had a great time.

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