The friendly club for cyclists with a range of abilities
We have more variety of rides than any other club locally, with members ranging from their early 20's to mid 80's!
All club activities are conducted via the GCC Facebook Page .
As always, we are a very friendly club that caters for cyclists of all ages and all abilities…see our Rides Calendar Page as to how we define riders abilities per group
Give us a try!
Updated 05/02/23
Our SATURDAY rides are as per the Rides Calendar and final details are published on the Club Facebook page. These start from the cobbles outside the Royal Oak Pub in Garstang Centre at 9.30 am, unless the ride is a Park and Ride from another start point.
There are 4 Ride Groups most weeks, categorised according to rider ability.
TUESDAY TOOTLE - Very much a chatty and relaxed soacial ride to a local cafe.Start at 10am from behind the Bellflower Pub, on the A6 bypass.
WEDNESDAY WHIZZ AND WEDNESDAY WANDER - Extremely popular midweek rides, either fast or relaxed , but not too hilly. Start at 10am from behind the Bellflower pub.
MTB RIDES We have an active off road section, with mid week and weekend rides- see Facebook for details. These rides are also known as RUFTY TUFTY RIDES - where 70% of the route will be on road with 30% off road on gravel and grass tracks.
If you think you may like to join the club, you will need to register on our Facebook page to see what is going on and when....andthen simply join any of our weekend or midweek rides...we are very friendly, as any meber will tell you.
Only £10 a year membership- what's not to like?
You can read all about our club rides with reports and photographs on our Facebook page
Membership fees are due on the 1st of January. The annual fee is just £10 for adults and £5 for juniors under 18, although children of paid-up parents can join free.
The preferred method of payment is by BACS, bank transfer or Faster Payments, or whatever your bank calls it. Payments should be made to the account of Garstang Cycling Club (sort code 30-90-87 account number 30046268). If your contact details have not changed at all, you don’t need to complete a membership form, just confirm in the email that that is the case. If you wish to include any children, can you please let me have their names and contact details, if different from yours.
Download the club membership form Pdf or Word