Ride Reports
Saturday 25th November 2016
C Ride to Blackpool by Yvonne Field
Five of us turned up for the C ride and none of us had a clue who the ride leader was,Petula Dave Simon another Dave and myself headed off to Blackpool,we chose the shortest rout as it was freezing cold,Dave lead the way at a very fast pace going over the toll bridge and through Gr Ecc. When we got to Stanley park cafe we were all pleased to see Bob and Will Sat there.When we left they joined us for some of the way before peeling off to go home.Not long after crossing the toll bridge on the way back we got well and truly battered with massive gallstones that settled onto the road,all we could do was head down and go he'll for leather,Oh and swear a bit.I think I can speak for all of us and say we were all very pleased to get home
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